User Guide
Global Classifications
The Global Classifications screen is where you manage your Classifications. You can do any of the following:
Create a new Classification
Edit a Classification
Import Classifications
Export Classification
Delete a Classification
Expand a section for more information:

1. From the left menu, click Settings.
2. Click Global Classifications.
3. Classifications are displayed in a list sorted by columns:
Assigned Icon
More options

To search for a Classification:
1. Type a criteria in the search box.
2. The results are displayed in the list below.
3. Click the x to clear the criteria.

To create a new Classification:
1. Click Actions.
2. Click Add New.
3. In the Add Classification pop-up window, fill in the following:
a. Name: Type the name of the new Classification.
b. Type: Select the type of classification.
c. (Optional) Create Custom Type:
1) Click Create Custom Type to create personalized classification types.
2) In the Create Custom Classification Type pop-up window, type the custom type classification.
3) Click Save.
d. Description: Type a description for the classification.
e. Assign Icon: Click the plus icon and select an icon from your local computer. Note: An icon file (.ico) can only be used for one Classification at a time.
f. Assign Color:
1) Select a color from the array by clicking a preset color tile, dragging the slider bar to your color choice, or manually setting the color values in the number boxes.
2) Click the suitcase icon to change color format. Available types are:
3) Click OK to apply the color or Cancel to discard.
g. Priority: Prioritize the sensitivity based classification applied to a location.
This field only appears when you select the Sensitivity Classification type.
h. Use Classification Prefix: Select the check box to add the classification prefix.
i. Click Confirm to create the new Classification or Cancel to discard.

To import a Classification:
1. Click Actions.
2. Click Import.
3. Locate the new Classification file (.csv) on your local computer.
4. Click Open to upload.

To export your Classifications:
1. Click Actions.
2. Click Export All.
3. The .csv file is downloaded to your local computer.

To bulk export selected Classifications:
1. Select one or more classifications.
2. Click Bulk Actions.
3. Select Export .
4. The .csv file is downloaded to your local computer.

To edit a Classification:
1. Locate the Classification you want to edit in the list.
2. On the far right of the Classification's row, click the more options icon.
3. Click Edit.
4. In the Edit Classification pop-up window, make needed changes.
5. Click Confirm to save the changes or Cancel to discard.

To delete a Classification:
1. Locate the Classification you want to edit in the list.
2. On the far right of the Classification's row, click the more options icon.
3. Click Delete.
4. In the Delete Classification pop-up window, click Confirm to delete the Classification or Cancel to discard.